Foot binding was usual for Chinese women in 19th century. 40-50% of all Chinese women had bidden foot.
Between the ages of four to nine, girls were broken their foot by intention. Ball of the foot and the heel were put together so the broken foot would fold at the arch. They had to suffer unlimited pain.
These foot were seen as a symbol of beauty in Chinese culture. Woman with perfect "lotus feet" ー other name of foot binding ー were more likely to make a more prestigious marriage.
From the feminist perspective, foot binding is often said as an oppressive practice against women. It is an example of male power to make women obey them, to control women.
Between the ages of four to nine, girls were broken their foot by intention. Ball of the foot and the heel were put together so the broken foot would fold at the arch. They had to suffer unlimited pain.
These foot were seen as a symbol of beauty in Chinese culture. Woman with perfect "lotus feet" ー other name of foot binding ー were more likely to make a more prestigious marriage.
From the feminist perspective, foot binding is often said as an oppressive practice against women. It is an example of male power to make women obey them, to control women.
(left:normal foot / right:bidden foot)
Foreman, A. (2015, February 01). Why Footbinding Persisted in China for a Millennium. from